Hi all , let me answer some questions that are often asked.
Today’s Topic :Profile Building
Q1 ) *When should my child start working on his/her profile? Is Profile building needed for Indian colleges?
A) Profile building is a long process and demands consistency. A good time to start would be Grade 9. This gives the child enough time to explore and understand his/her interests and work on his/her profile accordingly. In India, Liberal studies colleges and certain good private Universities emphasize a holistic profile. With the NEP, the focus is slowly but steadily shifting from rote learning to skill development. So yes, profile building will prepare the child to adapt to all the changes happening in the education landscape in India.
Q2) How many activities should my child pick up to build a competitive profile?
A) Divide your child’s activities into 3 groups.
Group 1 : Subject related activities- Projects, internships, summer immersion programs, mentorship programs, job shadowing, Research papers (Pick up any 2)– Anything related to the course he /she wants to pursue. Certification courses are great, but universities always prefer actual hands-on activities. So go in for mentorship projects or internships where the child actually gets to learn real-life skills.
Group 2: Extracurriculars/Hobby– Select any one activity that your child is genuinely interested in.(Music, sports, debates, MUN, dance etc ).Here again, certifications are desirable, but hands-on experience really makes a huge difference. One of my students this year, received top offers, without a single certification in Music, but had performed real-life in cafés across Mumbai. Leadership activities like starting a club, organizing events, and being a part of the school council can also be counted here.
Group 3: Community service -Rather than random community-related work, combine social work with either your Subject or your hobby. For example, a dance enthusiast can teach the dance form in an NGO or a Comp science aspirant can create an app that solves a simple social issue.
Profile building activities can prove to be great stress busters for kids, as they get to work on areas of their interest. Help them make it an enjoyable and explorative experience!